Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm staying right here

In my post, Was this blog a bad idea? I asked for feedback about whether I should continue writing or not. This is based on the very real potential for causing embarrassment for others. In particular my wife. While we are indeed moving forward with our eventual divorce, I harbor no animosity and am deeply concerned that I don't cause any undue harm.

I've received a number of positive responses by direct email, text message, personal conversation, and even facebook. Add to that the analytics I use to monitor site activity, and I have what I humbly consider to be good cause to continue writing. However, I think the biggest take-away message came from a woman (no names mentioned) who had been reading my stuff where she said,

"...the blog definitely was not a bad idea, but the direction it has taken lately might be. It started out as a blog of universal, relatable topics so poignantly written. But the last few have been highly private, more of a personal journal than a blog. Too private for me. I have felt like I was eavesdropping on therapy, or rummaging through your medicine cabinet."

With this in mind I will do my best to keep it out of my "medicine cabinet" and share only what is more widely relatable. Your feedback helps a lot here. So stay tuned for more of my separation and divorce diary... I hope others find it helpful. If for not other reason than to know you aren't alone in this...

With much respect,

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