Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A single email...

I’ve been doing well. Certainly there have been ups and downs. Yet each extreme has been tolerable and what I consider to have been appropriate amounts of both happiness and sadness. Though after a long day I was greeted by a single email from… her. The subject line was blank. When I saw that it was from my wife I was momentarily rooted in my seat, unable to move or take any action of any kind. I was instantaneously filled with both nervous anticipation and stomach-churning angst.

When I was able to click on that waiting message and began reading, I was disappointed. There was no inquiry about my welfare, no questions about how I’ve been eating, or sleeping, or getting along. Disenchanted. Instead it was several paragraphs of what I can only describe as “taking care of business”. Very dry, emotionless, direct and to the point. Something I’d expect to have received from a project manager doling out my task list for the week. Sigh. I wished she’d show at least some interest about my wellbeing. I do wonder, after all about hers. Though admittedly, I don’t ask either.

After reading it, I had to then reply. And in doing so I found myself sharing everything about how I have been, what I’ve been up to, even the few challenges I’d been dealt. And I immediately erased them. Then I rewrote them in a slightly watered-down fashion. And erased that too. I realized that the sharing of my day, leaning on her shoulder with my difficult challenges, the conveyance of excitement over having seen a tremendously wonderful performance, all these things I have often been moved to share with her, can no longer be. She is no longer the person with whom I share the events of my day… of my life. And I was once again flooded with emotion that left me deflated, sad, downcast. But I didn’t cry so I suppose that’s progress.

This morning, while I am able to enjoy what I have… the new beginnings… the anticipation of cool plans for the immediate future, my heart is heavy. I’m moving a bit slower, not so motivated to start my day, sad. And all it took was that one email. Dam…


  1. Karl,
    This blog is your book.
    Think about it and I'll
    share my perspective
    when we see each other
    Best, and not anon-JBeck

  2. She may not ask but she wants to. Trust me.

  3. Perhap she does not have the ability to express her feelings verbally or she does not want to let you know if she feels anything, after all her pride could be really acting as a masquerade. In the other hand life goes on no matter what. You have a vast new future and many happy events coming your way. Trust me.


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