Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thank you

When friends or acquaintances would ask how long my wife and I had been married I would often joke about it feeling like an entire lifetime. This wasn’t ever meant to convey any sort of bad feelings or regret or resentment. Instead it was my little way of letting my wife know that the things I used to get from her seemed so far in the past that they may as well have been an entire lifetime ago. The feeling of admiration, the supportive qualities that a spouse bestows on her mate, the care and concern for a partner’s wellbeing.

I have often believed when a person worries about another, it always comes from a position of care. The person over whom worry is expressed has value as a human being. Being significant enough to be worried about is in my view, a wonderful conveyance of love. And as I have said before, love is the opening of one’s self as the basis of aiding in the spiritual growth of another. Not spiritual in the biblical or religious sense, but more in the context of the human spirit. Add to this the recognition of the little things. Like how I hate strawberries, or how I worry about my friends, or how I value certain mores, or the placement of my collection of shoes in my bedroom, or that I blush easily. Deeper still, there is the adoption of importance of the things that are important to me, simply because they ARE important to me. Together these things spell only one thing.

It’s been quite a while since my wife has worried about me. Or recognized the little things. Or found importance in things simply because they are important to me. And I have interpreted this as having been a long time since I’ve been viewed with a value worthy of being loved.

Until now.

Today it’s quite different. Today there is someone who worries if I’m eating… or eating right (anyone who knows me, knows that I have the nutritional habits of a six year old). She actually noticed that the collection of shoes in my room has shifted. If I am concerned about a close friend, she is genuinely concerned as well. Even though she has never met him. I posted an article not long ago where I expressed my loneliness when I wake up alone if I happen to have been sleeping in my bead instead of my couch. She even asks where I slept the night before. She puts her own troubles aside in the name of addressing mine. She likes that I blush easily. All this and more spells one thing to me.

She doesn’t have to say it… she doesn’t even have to acknowledge it. I feel it. And for that I am grateful. Grateful that someone, for whom I have the highest regard, finds value in me as a human being. I feel just a little taller, stronger, and more significant. And well… I just wanted to express my gratitude and simply say…

Thank you….


  1. Oh man! I really like how you described all of this. It's exactly how I've been feeling about my soon to be ex husband. You have the gift of putting this stuff into understandable words... quite the talent. Even though you make me cry.

    I'm glad yo have someone who "values" you. You're a good man!

  2. I'm sorry yesterday was so hard for you. But it is important for us to be alone AND be able to function within it. It has certainly become easier to cope when others are around to fill the void. It sometimes seems insurmountable when we are alone but it is necessary to find that new "normal" in this as well. It is a challenge but look at how far we have come already.

  3. @ Annonymous,
    I want to believe we ALL have value. If your husband doesn't see it, it will be his loss in the end. Though from personal experience I realize that sometimes this is a difficult thing in which to believe.

    @ J,
    Yes... we have come far. And this in my view is owed to two things; first to the knowledge that we simply need to focus on ourselves as singular human beings. This is true of those who are part of a "couple" as well. We need to be separate human beings if we are to be whole human beings. Secondly, to the people by which we surround ourselves. Those people some times step up and remind us, help us, and even hold us up every now again while we seek that balance between "us" and "Me". I'm happy that I have mine and happy that I can be the same for another.

    I know... I'm being all heartfelt and stuff. But today is one of those deep and emotional days.


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