Tuesday, March 2, 2010


For the entire length of today I have been in very good spirits. I woke up in a great mood, I've been fairly productive at work, I've enjoyed some rather nice weather. I am in actual fact, absent any emotionally charged, sad experiences. No heartbreaking discoveries, no weird revelations that immobilize me, no tears, no sadness about my crappy little life. I have only a single observation.

Not at all surprising is the fact that my life these days is in a constant state of reinvention. Each day brings with it new experiences and new opportunities to learn something about myself, or to take part in something I would not have otherwise. The world is currently at my feet just waiting for me to pick something up and play with it. I am free to be anyone I want and free to do anything that captures my interest. Pretty cool in my humble opinion.

But as with all things, this cuts two ways. My day-to-day is unpredictable. My daily life is absent any sense of routine or dare I say it, normalcy. I live alone. Which translates to no one depends on me to feed them, monitor their work, make sure they are performing their chores, need to roust out of bed to get their day going. I don't make plans on what to fix for dinner and my days are not filled with errands like grocery shopping, the cleaners, laundry. The only thing in my life that has any sense of routine is that I work Monday through Friday during normal business hours. Beyond that everything is in a constant state of "new".

For the most part my days are in constant motion and filled to the brim with something new to do. Certainly my emotional state somewhat requires this because as I've mentioned before, idle time messes with my delicate psyche. But the end of my work day constantly brings something new into which I must pour myself. And the result is I have no real routine. Before my wife and I split up my days were very much the same. I'd get up, get ready, go to work, end my day, go home, watch the news and then Two and a Half Men, have dinner, tinker on one of my projects, and then go to bed. While that sounds mundane, it was how I enjoyed living. I am a basic man and enjoy living a basic life.

My heart's desire is to create a life of normalcy, routine, predictability. For me there is tremendous value in knowing what to expect at the end of my day, my week, whatever. I hear others who view their own daily routine as representative of some boring or undesirable life. I view it as representative of a normal life. And a normal life is very desirable. Don't get me wrong... I love new and exciting adventures. But not as the standard itinerary of life.

1 comment:

  1. Deland bro: Hope you doing ok. If I can help call me.


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