Monday, March 22, 2010

My first face-to-face since moving out

This weekend I had to drop off some equipment with the soon-to-be-ex. We are both in the technical business and the equipment in question was some stuff that I had borrowed. Since it belonged to her, and since I finished with it, it was time to return it.

Not wanting to drive to her place, and not wanting her to come to mine, we arranged a mutually inconvenient location for the drop off and agreed to meet at 11:00 o'clock Saturday morning. We made that arrangement last week and the entire time leading up to our meeting had be filled with an anxiety whose basis is still very difficult for me to articulate. What I knew was that the prospect of seeing her face-to-face, for the first time since I moved out, was enough to cause my stomach to churn and my entire body to be filled with an overproduction of adrenaline. I was stressed as hell!

So the time came. My plan was to arrive at exactly 11:00, to hand her the equipment, and then to simply turn and walk away. When I got there, I saw that she had already arrived and was sitting in her car. I pulled up, pulled out the equipment walked to the driver's window and noticed something... she changed her hair color. And in spite of the fact that I am not one who leans toward her particular style... it looked good. I gave her the equipment, muttered something about the configuration and before I could turn and walk away (as planned) she started her car and just pulled out.

So there I was... standing there watching her pull out and wondering why, if my plan was to make a quick exit, did it bug me that SHE did? The good news however, was that the angst and stress, the overproduction of adrenaline, all abated instantly. As I watched her drive away, I felt my body return to normal. And once out of sight, it was as though I had never even been in contact with her. So while it bugged me that she made a quick exit (maybe because I wanted to be the one to do so), I was grateful for the very quick face-to-face and proceeded with the rest of my day.

As I sit here typing the only thing that sticks in my mind is simply her new hair color. Interesting...


  1. When a woman makes a change in hair color, style, length-
    It's a sign. There are not many women who don't place great
    importance on their hair. I can't say for sure that I would know
    what X2B's real hair color would be.
    Have missed your posts but understand the reason(s)

  2. My ex changed the color of his hair too....but he is a guy! Hard to keep a straight face in our mediation meetings!! LOL

  3. Interestingly my post was more about the angst and then the absence of angst before and after seeing her. Seems I may have placed too emphasis much on her hair color. As for guys doing it... I'll admit that I did myself... immediately followed by me shaving my head. Which is to say it was a horrible mistake doing so. :-)

  4. @ anon#2- Did he change teams?

    Coloring to hide the gray, I get that.

    Coloring for any other reason, I don't get that.

    No offense Karl.

    Disclosure: I am of the more logical sex.

  5. @annon #3

    No offense taken... I did it in an attempt to cover the gray and immediately hated it. As for being of the more logical sex... clearly you are male. :-) And ladies, before you bash me for being sexist, please understand that I am only kidding around here. :-)


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