Thursday, March 4, 2010

My life is on hold until further notice

In the wake of my separation, I have adopted a vey singular life. I live alone and am now recognized as a single man. Any significant plans that I am making (or attempting to make) are done so with the understanding that it's just me. I am seeing one very special lady, as would any single man whose found himself drawn to such a special woman. I am, for all intents and purposes a single man.

Yet I'm still married.

I realize that there has been no material movement toward truly becoming a single man. My wife, who initially seemed very anxious to get things moving had made it clear she was moving forward with preparations for an uncontested divorce and that she would advise me as the progress. She conveyed a sense of urgency that caused me to believe I'd have seen something by now. Yet I have heard nothing on the subject. We are instead taking care of the business of disconnecting from each other in the context of the business that is our respective lives. The house is in her name, there are no longer joint checking or savings accounts, there has become a clear separation in things like the credit cards, auto club and insurance, pink slips for the vehicles etc. And we are filing what will be our last joint tax return. Yet no movement on the divorce itself.

I've come to the realization that I am stuck in between married and single... limbo. And as such I am unable to execute anything materially in the spirit of moving my life in any particular direction. There is a very real physical manifestation of the resulting stand-still. My stomach is in knots and churns uncomfortably. For days I have held on the brink of a migraine. My lower back, where I tent to carry my stress has been intruded upon with a persistent dull ache. I've become terribly restless. I try to ignore these physical responses in the hope that they will simply go away. They have not.

Now, I suppose I could start the proceedings since she isn't. But for some unidentifiable reason I feel as though that would be rocking the boat. Something I don't feel terribly compelled to do. I should not worry about how this would affect her. I should simply be worried about how I am going to take care of me and what the best method for that would be. Yet I am very nearly paralyzed into inaction. And the paralysis in and of itself is cause for even greater stress.

I am grateful for an upcoming event with the support group. Right now I really need to surround myself with others who get it and can offer some advice, guidance, or what appears to be a much needed kick in the pants. But the truth is I have no idea where to begin.


  1. The 3/13 therapy session starts at 6:00
    pm. (yes, early for you cuz ur special).
    Your assignment is to grasp an alcoholic beverage
    in your dominate hand and consume with the
    intent to see the bottom. Your session will end
    promptly at 6:30.
    Then we're going to put our troubles aside
    and get to know our new found friends as
    the individuals that they are.
    Who wants a beer?

  2. Jim (I know this was from you),

    You have no idea how much I needed that! Thank you. And yes... I think I really need that therapy session.



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