Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I should be celebrating

I mentioned in a recent post that I got served. What this translates to is that my wife did the filing and even though I expected it, it still feels as though she drew first blood. The wound hit directly and deeply into my heart. From a positioning perspective, I am officially the respondent. And that puts me at an emotional disadvantage.

Last night, while battling with myself to actually do it, I sat at my dining room table and completed the paperwork that will serve, in part, as my "response." It was likely the most difficult thing I've had to do thus far. I'm not talking about the mechanical part of filling in all the blanks. That was actually rather easy. The hard part was actually doing it; putting pen to paper and answering the questions that are all designed to formulate in certain terms, what I expect in the dissolve of my marriage. My marriage has been reduced to a set of business-like negotiations. It's sad how something that at one time was a beautiful thing, can be reduced to mere paperwork.

To date, each day that has passed, seems to have been some sort of temporary existence. I've mentioned it before; I feel as though my real life is still waiting for me to return. This is just some sort of visit that I'm on. Yet filling out the paperwork served, as did many other little acts, to solidly define my life. My life as a "not married" man. The process has most definitely started.

What I find very interesting however, are my emotions. I know I'm a terribly expressive man. I find no shame in crying. I wanted this. I expected this. I have cited many example about why this is better for me, how my life will be better. My heart will be better. And I am feeling very real and very strong evidence of that. Yet this has me, once again, heartbroken. Why? I just want to know why I feel so terrible. The very thing I want with complete certainty, also happens to be the thing that breaks my heart.

I should be celebrating...


  1. A toast my friend! You are one step closer to complete freedom! Embrace it... celebrate it... have a beer... or two...

  2. "Drew first blood" and "Emotional disadvantage." I was wondering about this too. Hard to know if it's better to file myself or to let my husband file. I don't think it makes any difference in court though so that's good. I've read a lot of your posts... and you have a way of making me cry. I don't know whether to thank you or to be angry with you for it. But whatever you do... don't stop.

  3. @anon 1- sarcasm, I think.
    Karl, it's more in the middle isn't it?
    Nothing to celebrate really. Just some
    solace in knowing that the conclusion
    of something that couldn't work was
    recognized and is being dealt with.
    And nothing to be heartbroken about either.
    Painful, yes. Better here than there, right?
    Not to minmize your feelings but there have
    been much more difficult hurdles, right?

    There is no advantage to the filer. Let that live its
    short life and bury it.

  4. Karl,

    My soon to be ex husband just filed in court yesterday, so I know the service is coming soon. I am in your shoes exactly; sad about the process , but knowing it has to be done. I prayed last night for the first time in years asking God to give me the strength to endure the ugliness of divorce and to not strike back with anger and malice. But easier said then done. I only have 4 more days living in the same home as him and it is torturous. He is doing everything he knows I hate, I guess for a response. Thanks for the postings!


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