Sunday, January 24, 2010

Feeling good this morning

While I am aware enough to know this is one of my “peak” moments, and that I am likely to go up and down, I am still relishing in the feeling right now. One of the things that has always been a solace for me, a sort of emotional refuge where the rest of the world simply vanishes, is when I get on my motorcycle and get the wind in my face. This morning was one of those “Zen” riding moments that left me feeling pretty dam good.

I woke up knowing that I have a boat load of things to do to get my place organized. I still have more of my things in boxes than not, furniture needs to be situated, the place needs to be cleaned, my office is more a junk room right now. But rather than dive into my list of chores, I instead decided to get on my motorcycle and just ride. The way I see it is I have no deadlines, no time pressures to do one thing or another. And given that I’ve spent the last several weeks in an emotional whirlwind, I decided I owe myself a little “fun” time. So I geared up and got on my bike.

I didn’t have any particular destination in mind, which is always the best way to ride. Because on the bike, it’s more about the journey and not the destination. The first place I ended up was a Starbucks for a quick coffee. This place happens to be about 5 minutes from the house. Which is good because life must be filled with good coffee (I think there’s actually a law). After that I found myself riding south along the Pacific Coast Highway. And I have to say, there is no better feeling than having the scent of the ocean hit you while moving at 60 MPH with the sun and wind in my face. Yes! For a brief moment I achieved a little happiness, bliss. I think I actually smiled! I stopped at the beach in Long Beach just to stand there and take it in. The beach is another “Zen” place for me. I can’t really articulate it but the beach has always been a great comfort to me as well. I just stood there and watched the waves come in and out, saw others jogging along the surf, walking, even young lovers hand-in-hand enjoying the view. A guy with his dog.

As I said, I know this is simply one of my “up” moments. And I fully expect that this feeling won’t sustain itself. So for the time being I will simply roll around in it and exploit it for all I can. My life is filled with sadness that is infrequently interrupted by brief moments of happiness. And this is one of them…. I think I’ll go and ride some more now… And I encourage those of you who are feeling blue to do the same. It may not be getting on a motorcycle for you, but find “your thing” and do it. Even if you have to force yourself into it. Trust me… it feels good.

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