Monday, April 12, 2010

A new "normal"

Life is returning...

My life since separating from my wife has been anything but normal. My days are typically spent in an unsettled fashion where I travel through each with the sense that my "real" life is just around the corner. The life I'm living now is a sort of temporary life akin to the business traveler. Staying in places that aren't mine, managing the day-to-day as though home and regular life is in some distant place waiting for my return.

While I still find that I am quite guarded, or perhaps more accurately stated, cautiously optimistic, I just spent a weekend that would otherwise be considered "normal." Yet given the paradigm under which I exist, this weekend represents what I consider to have been a spectacular time filled with supra-normal stuff. Socially, I joined my new friends (others who are going through separation and divorce) on Friday evening for a fun-filled time of drinks and dancing. On Saturday I, along with a very special lady (Oh hell... who am I kidding? Let's call her what she really is... my girlfriend), spent the day cavorting with the motorcycle crowd, hanging out with my best mate, and riding through her old neighborhood for a little trip into her past, all on a beautiful day. That evening I cooked dinner for the two of us, enjoyed that with a nice bottle of wine. On Sunday it was breakfast, taking care of some mundane household chores and just enjoying each other's company. Absolutely magic!

Now my "normal" is what I described in the opening paragraph. Which means this weekend was a huge cut ABOVE "normal." And I have to admit... I really liked it. This morning, as I write this, I am on somewhat of a high and in truth, I cannot wait for THIS to be my new "normal." Given the heart-health that it clearly promotes, it's certainly a much better way to live.

1 comment:

  1. Keep blogging my friend. The good, the bad, and the ugly are part of the journey.
    I can relate to the " normal" being a bit uncomfortable yet I don't mind the ride. I used to think I knew what was up there around the bend. Shit, I couldn't have been more wrong. Now I don't know what to expect but that's OK too. The events that started the journey where not my choice but what happens from here is my choice. So along we go, with eyes wide open.


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