Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mind, Body, Spirit, Heart

The four basic things that define who we are, if measured as a functioning human, are the mind, the body, the spirit, and the heart. I'd like to take the credit for this little piece of enlightenment but I cannot. Rather it was among the topics discussed at the most recent divorce support group meeting I attended. And in this discussion, along with a number of other interactions I've experienced in recent past, it has become increasingly evident that these are the areas on which I must focus my deepest attention if I am to make myself a whole human being again.

But first, I'd like to personally thank the two people responsible for causing me to see this. However in the spirit of holding to my rule about not mentioning names on this blog, I will say it this way...

To our group leader: Sir, with your simple explanation of these four indices I have come to realize how important they are and more importantly, how I have been neglecting them.

To my one special lady (you know who you are): Sweetie, YOU are a huge motivator in this for me. All brought about in a collection of the little things that you do, say, observe about the man that I am (even if I don't see it myself).

Thank you both.

My Mind: I have allowed my brain to sit idle while the rest of the intellectual world moves along. This is not something that started with my separation. Instead it's something that's been happening for a very long time. And rather than attempt to find the specific reason why, I am choosing to commit myself to doing that which exercises the mind. I have projects (mostly writing projects) that have been sitting untouched for far too long. It's time to devote myself to them. I've started that by the creation of this blog. Bit this blog on its own isn't enough. One of the items on my bucket list is to publish something other than that which has been connected to my work (I do a lot of very dry technical writing). Only then will I be able to call myself a writer. I don't know if I will actually achieve that but if I don't, it will not because I didn't try.

My Body: As mentioned before, I have the education behind me such that I understand the necessities and the science of physical fitness. I used to participate in my own fitness. Heavily and successfully. And while I have no intention of returning to the sport of body-building, I do intend to get myself back into a routine of exercise and physical activity. To that end I have set a date in which to step back into the gym (Monday February 8, 2010). Next is how, when and what I eat. I think this is likely to be my biggest challenge since I have never been one to give a lot of attention to this. Most often opting for the quick and easy and of course, most greasy, unhealthy, fattening foods known to man! It's time to change that. I guess it helps that my son just so happens to be a chef. :-) It also helps that I have others close to me that are equally interested in my eating right. Which is good because I doubt I can achieve this one on my own.

My Spirit: I'll say it here... while I no longer follow the religion with which I was raised, I believe in God. I believe I am watched over, guided, protected, and loved. And I believe that He will never confront me with an untenable challenge. But the nature of spirit, in my humble opinion, extends to other things as well. My connectedness to the rest of the world around me. Not in the physical sense but in the understanding that what I do here in LA County will have an impact on what happens on the other side of the world in some way, shape, or form. It is in me extending myself with the intent of helping others. When we teach, we learn. Analogously, when we extend a helping hand, we help ourselves. While it is on the mend, my spirit is broken. It’s time to finish its repair and keep an eye on its maintenance.

My Heart: To me this is the least of what needs attention. My heart is healing quite nicely thank you very much! But not such that it is to be ignored. With that understanding comes the realization that it is an essential but fragile part of me and just like the muscles in my physical being, my heart needs to be exercised, fed well, and it also needs an appropriate amount of rest.

This post will serve as my commitment to these four areas. And I intend to print it and put it on the wall of my home office. My intent is to start on them now. My intent is to continue in the care and feeding of them. And if I falter, my hope is I will catch myself before I fall back into old habits of neglect and apathy. I honestly hope I can do it... because it is indeed time...


  1. Read your mind,body,heart,spirit blog. It was very insightful. You are changing and growing so much. I hope you can see that. Yes, I know, there will be peaks and valleys but these are real steps forward to a better life. I'm glad to see that you have set an exact date for the gym. I think it will make a world of differnce for you. I'm proud of you!

  2. Karl,

    Another great blog entry. As I see it, the four have interlinking bridges from one to another. Your decision to make a commitment to your body thru exercise and improved diet will strengthen the bridges to your spirit, mind, and heart.
    Best of luck.


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