Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's time to move forward

When I started writing this blog, it was on the recommendation from a few of those witnessing the heart ache I went through in the throes of this whole divorce thing. The primary impetus was simply the cathartic value. As I wrote, the associated feelings seemed to simply melt away. Yay for me! Right?

Well lately, every time I sit to write something, instead of an emotional cleansing, I actually end up reliving it. Suddenly all the tears and heart ache are right back with a vengeance! I have started and stopped several new articles owing to a fragile heart. This unfortunately turned my catharsis into a mind-numbing and emotionally taxing task. Something I simply cannot abide.

So... in spite of all the positive feedback I have received, all the personal emails I have received and (hopefully) all those who found value in my words as they relate to their own situations, I am halting this blog. I will likely not be writing again. At least not any time soon. Perhaps, when my divorce is over and done and I am finally able to move forward with some sense of normalcy, I will revisit.

I'd like to express my sincere appreciation for the support I've received. It's been an awesome value. But it's time for me to look forward. To dive into some much neglected writing projects that have absolutely nothing to do with my divorce. A lot of those who have read this blog have my personal email address. You are all welcome to reach out. Be it for a social invitation, the need for a shoulder and open ears, you are not only welcome to write me... but invited as well.

Just remember... as you travel this ugly divorce road, don't forget to breath. Everything is temporary and while it may not feel like it now... you will emerge from the muck and will be a stronger person for it.

     Cheers to you all!
     Karl Valentine-Rothenberg